Dallas International Film Festival announces schedule

 The Dallas International Film Festival has announced the schedule for its sixth installment — an impressive lineup that features some of the strongest titles from this year’s Sundance and South by Southwest. The event, April 12-22 in various locations, will feature over 100 features and shorts and expected visits from the likes of actors James Cromwell (with the kid-friendly Cowgirls N Angels, a world premiere at the fest) and Famke Jensen (with her directorial debut, Bringing Up Bobby).

High on any list of must-sees should be Craig Zobel’s controversial drama Compliance and Josh Radnor’s wise and tender rom-com Liberal Arts — for my money, the strongest films at Sundance this year. Both will play in the premieres section, which the festival usually reserves for its highest-profile efforts. Other solid Sundance carry-overs including the Danish drama Teddy Bear, about an awkward bodybuilder who travels to Thailand looking for love, and Father’s Chair, about a man chasing after his runaway son through rural Brazil.

If you couldn’t make it to Austin for South by Southwest, any number of films presently screening there will make the trip north. These include Wolf, directed by University of Texas at Arlington film professor Ya’Ke Smith; America’s Parking Lot, a documentary about the demolition of Texas Stadium; and a couple of charming oddities from Austin directors: Bob Byington’s winning comedy Somebody Up There Likes Me and the Zellner brothers’ Kid-Thing.

The festival also announced planned tribute to Eric Pleskow, an executive who ran United Artists and Orion Pictures.

The schedule isn’t complete – an opening night feature and two more centerpiece screenings are to be announced in the coming weeks, along with the full list of recipients for the festival’s annual Star Awards.

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